from honours student to literary gunslinger.
It all started with a rejection.
In 2024, I was rejected from my PhD program in Literature, halting my original plan of becoming a career academic.
For the last 8 years leading up to this point, I lived, breathed, taught, and shared literature with over half a million inspiring and curious people on YouTube.
However, I still believed academia was the only way to teach what I loved, despite slowly watching university drain away my passion for reading and writing. Though I had graduated with Honours, I felt out of alignment with my mission of making reading accessible for everyone.
In a way, the rejection shocked me awake and I’m now more excited than ever to make my old dream a reality.
Making Literacy Accessible to Everyone
This dream is more urgent than ever as worldwide literacy rates decline while the price for liberal arts degrees skyrockets.
Most people I talk to want to make reading a part of their lives but struggle to stay consistent or focused while feeling shut out from a literary education.
The end goal is to turn reading from inaccessible to a valuable skill everyone can practice and enjoy.
So here’s my promise: I will use my research experience in literary theory to discover the best ways of approaching reading and turn them into a highly actionable roadmap for you. Let’s get started.
robin In the Wild