Rediscover The Joy of Reading and Writing
In collaboration
Turn Big Ideas Into Unique
Content: Tools For Creative Writing
You will learn
How to never forget a great idea ever again
The 3-step process for capturing and articulating ideas
How to create a commonplace book for all your insights
The importance of mind-wandering and contemplation
This writing class will teach you how to develop your unique system for capturing, articulating and connecting ideas to produce content that matters to you.
Studying The Humanities 101:
Ways of Reading & Writing
You will learn
Why we should study the humanities
The definition of an essay
How to gather your resources/research
Tips and tricks for constructing an excellent essay
This course will cover everything from gathering academic resources to tips and tricks for essay writing to set up the foundations for your journey of pursuing understanding in fields like Literature, Philosophy, and History.
Back To The Basics: Bringing
Intelligent Reading Into Your Life
You will learn
The main difference between philosophy and literature
Why philosophy and literature matter
Ways of entering these fields of reading
General tips for maximizing your understanding
This class will give you practical tips on bringing literature and philosophy into your life. We will tackle everything from selecting the right books to building solid reading habits.
Fictionalize Your Life: How To Keep A Writer's Diary
In this class, I will share some of the lessons I've learned from keeping my writer's diary every day for a whole year alongside some tips for starting your own daily practice.
You will learn
What you should write about in your diary
Why your life is someone else's fiction
Two techniques for keeping a writer's diary
Tips for building a solid writing routine
What Students Are Saying
Watched this masterclass in-between writing my first essays for my comp lit degree at King's College London. Any lapses of motivation were immediately fixed by the love for essay writing expressed here. This should really be taught at every university. Will definitely be watching these back again, very useful tips.
—Zoe (Studying the humanities 101)
This made me want to pick up a journal and venture out in the streets to find stories that got overlooked by others. A must watch for everyone who wants to take writing seriously and "turn pro" to put it in the words of Steven Pressfield. Thank you Robin!
— dario (Fictionalize your life)
The class has prompted me to want to take a deeper dive into the books I read and to read broadly to understand the various styles of prose.
— Michelle (Back to the basics)